2003 /澳大利亚 /喜剧 /88分钟
主演: VinceColosimo StephenCurry RoseByrne NathanPhillips Michael Veitch Jason Turley Mark O'Toole 内森·菲利普斯 Andrew Maj 克莱顿·雅各布森 Nikita Plummer Matthew Green Francis Greenslade 约翰·霍华德
导演: Marc Gracie
上映时间: 2003-08-14
剧情简介 : Tony Stilano and Trev Spackneys both own, live over and work in adjoining take-away fish shops in Melbourne. Although they have fallen into a habitual rivalry based on a cause long forgotten, the pair unite when the multinational fast-food outlet "Burgies" unveils a new store directly opposite the twin fish & chips shops.