2012 /西班牙 /喜剧 剧情 冒险 /91分钟
主演: OdiseoBichir VictorHernandez CarlosCobos EduardoEspaa 克劳迪亚·拉米雷斯 马里奥·萨拉格萨 OmarFierro 诺玛·安吉里卡 Taka DavidColorado DavidLoji DavidArauza EduardoCantú NancyZhou FranciscoColmenero Odiseo Bichir Carlos Cobos Omar Fierro
导演: Gabriel Guzmán
上映时间: 2012-03-07
剧情简介 : Marcos Marquez (Bichir) has just turned 50. He's a serious, respectful, knowing man living in Tijuana, owner of a Chinese restaurant he inherited from his parents. But Marcos isn't thrilled about celebrating his birthday because it reminds him of his vanishing youth dreams. But this time it's different: he's just received an invitation to Clara's wedding, the only girlfriend he...