2018 /土耳其 /剧情 爱情 /130分钟
主演: 埃金·科奇 法拉赫·泽伊内普·阿卜杜拉 菲克雷特·库斯坎 西贝尔.塔西芝奥古鲁 AliSeckinerAlici SerkanErcan 伊尔达姆.阿克格 SekvanSerinkaya MerveAltinkaya 梅丽斯·塞森 默特·德尼兹曼 SenayDede OguzKara Nurhanzenen BurakTamdogan Serkan Ercan
导演: 艾哈迈德·卡提克斯
上映时间: 2018-12-07
剧情简介 : The champion is a great love story between Halis Karatas and Begum Atman, who came together with the legendary race horse Bold Pilot. Adapted from a true story, the film is owned by the prominent name of Turkish horseshoe Ozdemir Atman and the Bold Pilot is a horse that won the love of even those not interested in horse racing. Bold Pilot and his permanent jockey Halis Karatas ...