1971 /巴西 /剧情 /80分钟
主演: MiroceneAmorim EdsonBorges MargaridaCardoso EdnaldodoEgipto HorácioFreitas 伊莉安内·贾尔迪尼 Glaura JooLucena BalduínoLéllis EdgarMiranda 伊莉安内· 贾尔迪尼
上映时间: 1971-01-01
剧情简介 : In a city in the Brazilian northeastern backwoods, the political chief is assassinated by a professional gunman. From there, the city begins to live the climate of the event. The killer, concealed by important people, is hidden in the house of a humble family. Time passes and the gunslinger leaves his hiding place, being killed soon after. Also the family that hid the criminal ...